Devotional Thoughts from Adam Lee

A girl sits in a corner with her hand on her belly. An unwanted, unplanned embryo growing inside. Her father, having given up on her in shame, her mother, begging her to abort - or else. No job. No money. All hope seems lost. How can bringing this life into the world possibly be good?

We have many things to tell her, don’t we? We sit in the privileged comfort of our homes with those thoughts swirling in our heads. We ought to say this, we ought to do this. But how? How do we find that girl?

The overturning of Roe v. Wade is only a step towards winning for life. While the battle in the states and in the courts rage for years to come, we have another battle to fight, the fight for life outside the womb. Pro-life is not just about birthing a live baby. It’s about supporting and caring for life outside the womb just as we do about life inside the womb.

Many women choose abortion because they don’t see a hopeful way forward for their baby. As Christians we have the opportunity to share hope for life by caring unconditionally for the afflicted. Those afflicted in their darkest hour should be overshadowed with the love of God’s people. 

James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

Two ministries to support and pray for:

  1. The Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO, a joint initiative to inspire and equip Christians to effectively live out the Bible’s call to care for orphans and vulnerable children. 

  2. Life Line Pregnancy Center ( a local organization equipped to help pregnant women considering abortion.


  • That the Lord will burden His Church to care for the afflicted, especially pregnant women facing unplanned pregnancies, to load them up with love rather than load on shame and guilt.

  • That our hearts will yield to compassion rather than judgement, remembering that we are all desperately needy for God’s mercy and grace.

  • That those suffering will be connected with believers who can share the love of Christ with them and that they will see hope in the Gospel.