UNITED IN PRAYER: Sanctity of Human Life (Day #5)

Everyday across the world human beings…girls, boys, women and men are forced into slavery and a life of abuse. We may very well feel a lack of proximity to this global problem, but a lack of proximity can not be an excuse for apathy.

God’s people are described as a family who, in our relationships with one another, “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” Rm 12:15. This posture of empathy, sympathy and entering into the sufferings of others should define us as Christians; after all our Savior did just that for us! Jesus became proximate to our grief, He entered into our suffering and He bore our sorrows.

Today we want to invite and ask you to pray for God to intervene and use His people throughout the world to put an end to modern-day slavery. Human trafficking, in it’s various forms, is a profoundly widespread evil so lets plead for God to work on behalf of those who are suffering, and pray through how we can be involved.

International Justice Mission (IJM) is actively fighting for and rescuing those enslaved and mistreated around the world. You can find stories and resources on their website in order to become more informed.

Five14 Revolution is a local ministry that exists to respond to human trafficking and sexual exploitation by bringing God’s hope, healing, and freedom in places of vulnerability.

The goal of Five14 Revolution is to meet the practical needs of women as they walk out of a life of addiction and sexual exploitation. They help to provide stabilization through connections to safe and sober housing, job training, medical care, and more. After these needs are meet their focus shifts to supporting the emotional and spiritual needs of their clients through mentoring and support groups.

Please join us in praying for Five14 Revolution in these specific ways:

  • Favor with grant applications

  • Wisdom and discernment as we look towards establishing a housing program

  • Growth for Board of Directors

  • Ability to re-start weekly jail visits. This is something that was tremendously successful prior to COVID because it enabled them to engage with women before they were released back onto the streets and help them find safe and sober housing. They have not been able to go back into the jail because of COVID restrictions and that makes it difficult to connect with women over the phone.

May the light of Christ shine into the darkest places of our world and community through the gospel message and through “gospel people” who are filed with His word and His Spirit and who, compelled by Jesus’ example, become proximate to the people in those dark places.